I’m on a workation right now (this was last week, just got around to publishing now). Yep, I am sitting poolside in sunny California. (no jealousy) This has been a glorious week of exploring the San Jose/Los Altos/San Franciso area. The work part of this vacation comes every morning when I get up before 6 a.m. to get a 3-5 hours of work in before the rest of the family wakes up.
This freedom is why as long as I am still blessed to be able to make my living as a small business owner / consultant I will.
No entrepreneur lets a moment of respite go to waste, so on this vacation I finished reading Crush it! by Gary Vaynerchuck. It was a terrifically motivating book and a worthwhile read for any entrepreneur. It could be summed up in, find out your passion and figure out how to make a living with it. Now the “how to make a living” part is very much how to make the internet work for you.. So it was right up my alley :)
Gary Vee emphasized the importance of:
- Embracing your DNA
- Building your brand with transparency and authenticity
- Blogging / generating content
- Getting involved in Social Media
- Being passionate!
So after an enjoyable read I did some soul-searching about, what I am really passionate about?
My conclusion was that what makes me tick is helping people use the Internet for business. This takes many forms but usually revolves around:
Web development, Web design, Internet marketing, blogging, Social Media, SEO, WordPress, graphic design, branding, analytics, etc.
I leave you with one of my favorite insights from the read…
“Your Blog is for communicating the essence of your brand”
Have you read Crush it! and did you find something valuable in it?
If not, what was a recent business book you read that you would recommend?
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