I’m a passionate advocate of autodidactic learning, in other words, educating yourself.
Here is a quick tip that I use to keep learning about a niche I am passionate about. In my case it is WordPress.
In your case it can be anything you are crazy passionate about. My advice to young entrepreneurs is find something you are passionate about and become an expert within the subject.
I’ve heard you can generally read 5 good books on a subject and be an expert.
I think there must be an online equivalency. Perhaps it is following 5 of the industry/niche’s top blogs for a year. Any thoughts?
Ok, ok… so here’s the tip. Subscribe to an RSS feed for a Delicious.com tag.
In my case I am subscribed to the popular bookmarks for WordPress. You can just use this URL to go to the popular listing for any tag on Delicious.
Use: http://delicious.com/popular/wordpress – just replace “wordpress” with whatever it is you want to learn more about or keep up with.
Next, just subscribe by clicking the RSS icon and get new items as they come in by using a feed reader like Google Reader. If you aren’t already, start using delicious to bookmark and tag things you come across. Then connect to me on Delicious and start sharing some good stuff with me!
Easy right? Tell me, how do you continue learning?
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